You can opt for 2-3 months of free support, free SSL certificate the first year with this one page site – without comparison, the most economically affordable website solution in Denmark. You can also freely choose between the three SEO plugins.
— reasons to work with SEO —
Automate technical SEO and make optimizing content a breeze with the most popular WordPress SEO plugins
Google Site Kit
Yoast Premium SEO
Get ahead in the fight for a bigger audience with these wp-plugins
Yoast SEO
Google Site Kit
— Check your options —
Yoast SEO Free
Yoast SEO Premium
Google Site Kit
Complete Website with Yoast SEO Free installed - as you see it here!
1.844 kr. incl. installation of plugin
- One-off payment
- WP Bakery-Pagebuikder
- Slider Revolution
- Incredible flexibility
Morsø Datacenter er et enkeltmandsfirma. Derfor er mine tanker om slutproduktet i fokus. Funktionaliteten ændres ikke ved et ændret designvalg, så det skal der også være mulighed for.
WordPress valgt som CMS/Blog, the7 er valgt som tema.Disse valg øger sandsynligheden for, at du som slutbruger kan få præcis det, du efterspørger – til næsten 100%
Komplet hjemmeside med Yoast SEO Premium installeret - som du ser det her!
2.488 kr. incl. installation of plugin
- Activated Yoast Premium Plugini is additional 709 kr./year
- WP Bakery-Pagebuikder
- Slider Revolution
- Free Support for 2 months
- Free SSL Certificate first year
- Incredible flexibility
Reach a wider audience with the same content
Creating captivating content is only half the battle; the next challenge is getting people to see it. Yoast SEO Premium is your secret weapon!
Optimize for up to 5 keywords per page
Why limit yourself to a single keyword when you can cast a wider net? With the ability to target up to 5 keywords, you’re speaking the language of your diverse audience. This strategic move allows you to appear in a broader range of search results, capturing the attention it deserves.
Complete Website with Google Site Kit installed - as you see it here!
2.644 kr. incl. installation of plugin
- Consumption-based payment for built-in services
- WP Bakery-Pagebuikder
- Slider Revolution
- Incredible flexibility
Google Site Kit is a free and official WordPress plugin developed by Google. It allows website owners to seamlessly integrate and access data from various Google services directly within their WordPress dashboard. It’s designed to provide valuable insights into website performance, audience behavior, and optimization opportunities, making it especially useful for managing and improving a site’s online presence.

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— questions & answers —
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Will I have a personal coach?
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Do I have to exercise?
Will I have any restrictions?
Is it hard to stay fit?
Still hesitating?
— make your choice of functionality—
Complete Website
with Yoast FreeFree hosting first year +
Free domainname +
Free Premium Backup +
Free Support for 2 months –
Free SSL Certificate first year –
Complete Website
with Yoast PremiumFree hosting first year +
Free domainname +
Free Premium Backup +
Free Support for 2 months +
Free SSL Certificate first year +
Complete Website
with Google Site KitFree hosting first year +
Free domainname +
Free Premium Backup +
Free Support for 3 months +
Free SSL Certificate first year +
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This one-page site
— improve your life—
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